
Depth Of Feild

                                                                             Low depth                                                                                Low Depth                                                                                 High Depth

thanksgiving photos


stop motion


Bell Ringer : Photo Response

What do you think makes this photo part of Time Magazine's 100 Best Collection ?  Answer: I think that these pictures make the collection because these pictures show a man falling out of a building during a tragic time. The tragic time was 9/11 , 9/11 was when a plane crashed into the twin towers. When the planes crashes the made the building fall down with a lot of people in it and people had no way to survive if they were in a high story of the building. The man in this picture choose to die like that instead of burning inside and dying of smoke and particles. 

Do Now : Artist Discovery

1.) What type of Photography does Ansel master in ?   He masters in landscape photography . 2.) How does he bring out texture in his photos? he brings out texture in his photos by focusing on certain things and using black and white. 3.) What is your opinion on his work ? My opinion on his work is that its very pretty and focused and i like how he takes photos of different landscapes and in black and white. 4.) Why do i feel this way ? I feel this way because his pictures are very beautiful and he travels the world to take pictures of many different types of landscapes. 
Reflection Questions : Texture 1.) I think my best photo that I shoot and edited was the cement with the bottle cap . I think it was my best picture because there was many different textures on the rocks . The texture on the rocks was showing how rough the ground is and the bottle cap had rusted texture on it. The lighting was a little bright but using Photoshop I adjusted the lighting. 2.) I think my weakest shot was the picture of the leaf . It was the weakest because it had other things in front of it. You could only see some of the texture on the leaf ,I feel like if i was closer to the leaf you could see the texture more clear . The leaf has a  rough texture. The lighting was alright but it could have been better. 3.) My weakest imagine could be improved if I get closer to the leaf . If i moved the stuff out the way and just focused on one thing because there's too much going on in the picture. The lighting was a little dark so I could change the angles and get be...

Texture Project

The leaf has texture on it.  The cement as many different textures & the bottle cap has texture on it. The sand has texture on it , the texture was created by the bottom of a shoe. contact sheet of pictures with textures on it.